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19th July Update*
The time has come to re-open our doors to you all and get back dancing! Things will be the same but with some slightly different measures for the safety of our students and staff.
We have been busy over the last few weeks putting measures in place to create a safe environment, to enable you to return to dance.
Measures in place:
If you or any family members have symptoms of COVID-19 please DO NOT attend any of our classes or private lessons.
A new entry and exit policy. We will enter via the front door and exit via the emergency exit creating a better flow of foot traffic.
Please wait 2 metres away from the front door or in your vehicle before your lessons and your teacher will invite you in.
All classes and private lessons will be 45 minutes with a 15 minutes turnaround for exiting and cleaning between lessons.
Hand sanitiser will be made available on entry. We ask that everyone uses the hand sanitiser when entering and exiting the building.
Main toilets are closed and only the disabled are in use, so that regular cleaning can take place.​
Teachers and students will be asked to wear masks where possible, unless exempt. Please bring your own protective equipment.​
Sanitised plastic chairs will be provided for changing shoes.
Belongings (ie. Coats, water bottles, shoe bags) must be kept in a designated place provided by our teachers. Please keep belongings to a minimum.
Please come ready dressed in your dancewear, limiting the use of changing rooms as possible.
Couple dancing is only allowed between couples from the same household/same confirmed dance partner bubble.
Ideally, we would prefer to take payment via electronic transfer. Although, we will still continue to take cash payments if this is more convenient.​
We will ask you to follow these guidelines to keep everyone safe and dancing!
Gotta Dance Derby Team
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